Shifting the paradigm of R&D

Combining cutting-edge reactor technologies, machine learning and automation.

Core Technologies

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1) Discover

Use lab-scale reactors as an R&D tool to test hypotheses and create experimental materials. If you need a starting point, you can use AMLearn's rich database of synthesis methods and materials. Use automation to conduct synthesis quickly and reliably.

2) Optimize

Employ adaptive machine learning to optimize the synthesis of your material on multiple objectives - such as cost, quality and throughput. Gather the best conditions for synthesis. Use automation to create "self-driving" optimization cycles.

3) Scale

For 10-100x scale-up operations, one can simply run our continuous reactors for longer lengths of time. For greater scale-up capacity, plug-in the conditions found in (2) to larger or multiplexed annular reactors using our distributors. Employ the same automation routines to run either of the two strategies quickly and uniformly.

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